Learning Peace

Contributed by Janice Gates

Peace is something I never knew I was looking for.  Yet, I have always been searching for it. I have always craved it.  I have always missed it.  

For the last year, I’ve been building a relationship with this elusive state of being.  It is one that I entered into with hesitation.  I didn’t trust it, and I wasn’t sure I wanted it.  Our relationship is not perfect.  It’s been grueling and painful.  It’s also been really beautiful.  

I didn’t expect 2020.  I don’t think anyone did.  The amount of uncertainty, fear, grief and anger that gripped this country and our communities, was overwhelming.  I learned from an early age how to block feelings and emotions I didn’t want to deal with.  They made appearances and sometimes made it to the surface, but for the most part, I knew how to keep them tucked away.  

In May 2020, I woke up one day, and my spirit said “no”.  It said no to toxic relationships I was engaged in.  My spirit said no to me always saying “yes”.  It said no to pretending I was ok after being sexually assaulted in 2019.  It said no to my “fight” response. I was trying to function with a broken heart, but my spirit said no more.  My body spoke to me in the form of a terrifying panic attack. Spirit was telling me it was time to get to the heart of the matter.  

I needed to deal with and heal my deeper wounds and my own toxicity.  I knew the work wouldn’t be easy, and I wasn’t a stranger to inner child work. I just didn’t like it.  

I’ve seen energy healers for about 14 years.  I knew I needed additional support, so I sought out a therapist.  We met bi weekly, and it was weird.  At first.  After a few sessions, I started to look forward to those appointments.  I knew that if I wanted all the abandonment, betrayal, grief and disappointment off my heart and mind, I needed to commit to the work and the process.  I needed to be “vulnerable”.  A word and a feeling I hated.  

That work taught me to honor my body and my feelings.  I learned to love and affirm myself. I was surprised by how much I welcomed the work and the process.  Something was happening.  Something I didn’t recognize.  It felt good, but I was uncomfortable.  I was describing the feeling to my therapist and she just smiled.  She told me what I was experiencing was peace.  I created a safe space for myself. I eliminated people and things from my life that were unsafe and drained my energy.  I didn’t know how to deal with what was left.  

What they don’t tell you about “the work” is that what comes after is also a process.  It is a difficult process.  I grew up in chaos.  I know chaos.  I can function in chaos.  Peace?  Safety? Ease? Love?  I don’t know. 

What I do know is this is a relationship that is still new.  I am grateful for the moments we have together.  I love how we are learning each other, with patience and understanding.  I call and peace responds. This is a relationship I want to nurture.  I want to keep building on the foundation we’ve laid and the intimacy we’re building.  I want to keep learning peace.

Healing by Choice!